Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Name Category Gender Meaning Origin
Banning Anglo-Saxon M Small and fair Irish
Bar Anglo-Saxon M From the birch meadow English
Barclay Anglo-Saxon M From the birch tree meadow English
Barney Anglo-Saxon M Son of comfort English
Barrett Anglo-Saxon M Commerce French
Barton Anglo-Saxon M From the barley settlement Old English
Basil Anglo-Saxon M Kingly Latin
Baxter Anglo-Saxon M Baker Old English
Beatrix Anglo-Saxon F She who brings happiness German
Becky Anglo-Saxon F Bound American
Bede Anglo-Saxon M Prayer English
Berenice Anglo-Saxon F She will bring victory Greek
Berkeley Anglo-Saxon M From the birch tree meadow English
Bernard Anglo-Saxon M Brave as a bear German
Bertram Anglo-Saxon M Bright raven English
Betlic Anglo-Saxon M Splendid English
Bliss Anglo-Saxon F Delight joy or happiness Old English
Blythe Anglo-Saxon F Cheerful Old English
Boden Anglo-Saxon M Messenger French
Boniface Anglo-Saxon M To do good Latin
Bonnie Anglo-Saxon F Pretty English
Bordan Anglo-Saxon M From the boar valley English
Borden Anglo-Saxon M From the boar valley English
Brant Anglo-Saxon M Proud Old English
Brecc Anglo-Saxon M Freckled Irish
Breck Anglo-Saxon F Freckled Irish
Bree Anglo-Saxon F Strong Irish
Brice Anglo-Saxon M Strength or valor Welsh
Bridget Anglo-Saxon F Strength Irish
Brigham Anglo-Saxon M Dwells at the bridge Old English
Brimlad Anglo-Saxon F Seaway Unknown
Britt Anglo-Saxon F From Britian Old English
Bron Anglo-Saxon M Brown or dark English
Bronson Anglo-Saxon M Son of the dark man English
Brun Anglo-Saxon M Dark skinned German
Bryce Anglo-Saxon M Strength or valor Welsh
Burgess Anglo-Saxon M Town dweller English
Burton Anglo-Saxon M From the fortified town Old English
Byron Anglo-Saxon M At the cowshed Old English

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