Thursday, August 21, 2008


Name Category Gender Meaning Origin
Ramm Anglo-Saxon M Ram English
Rand Anglo-Saxon M Wolf's shield Old English
Randi Anglo-Saxon F Wolf shield German
Randolf Anglo-Saxon M Wolf shield Scandinavian
Rawlins Anglo-Saxon M Famous in the land French
Ray Anglo-Saxon M Dear brook English
Rexanne Anglo-Saxon F Gracious king English
Rexella Anglo-Saxon F King of light English
Rice Anglo-Saxon M Noble or rich English
Ripley Anglo-Saxon M Meadow near the river English
Ro Anglo-Saxon M Red haired English
Roan Anglo-Saxon M Tree with red berries English
Roe Anglo-Saxon M Deer English
Row Anglo-Saxon M Red haired English
Rowan Anglo-Saxon M Tree with red berries English
Rowe Anglo-Saxon M Red haired English
Rowena Anglo-Saxon F White haired Welsh
Roweson Anglo-Saxon M Son of the redhead English
Rowson Anglo-Saxon M Son of the redhead English
Ryce Anglo-Saxon M Powerful English

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